



We totally recommend that you visit by car.
Check-in is accepted from 15:00 to 18:00.

If you cannot arrive by 18:00, please be sure to contact to the reception office.

Also please confirm the map of the route below and here for the route you will take.




〒778-0202 徳島県三好市東祖谷落合403 TEL:0883-88-2540

Tougenkyo-Iya Check-in Office(Ruins of Ochiai elementary school)
Address:403 Higashiiya ochiai, Miyoshi City, Tokushima 778-0202
TEL: +81-(0)883-88-2540

  • The office is located in the former Ochiai Elementary School and the former Ochiai Nursery School.
  • It takes about 1 hour by car from JR Oboke Station.
  • The ground is a parking lot.
  • Each facility also has a parking space.


  • 徳島自動車道、井川池田ICより国道32号を南へ、大歩危駅前、県道45号、32号経由で祖谷へ
  • 井川池田ICより約50km、所要約1時間半
  • 上記ルート以外は峠を越える険しい山道になります。電波が届かない、通行止めで通れない等トラブルに巻き込まれる可能性がございますのでナビ等をご利用の際は必ずご確認下さい

From Osaka, Kobe, Takamatsu Airport and Tokushima Airport

When coming by car, take Route 32 (国道32) south from Ikawa-Ikeda Exist on the Tokushima Expressway. Then, you will meet Prefectural Highway 45. Take Prefectural Highway 45 across the Oboke station and into Iya Valley.
It takes about one and half hours. About 50km from Ikawa-Ikeda Exist on the Tokushima Expressway.


  • 高知自動車道、大豊ICより国道32号を北へ、大歩危駅前、県道45号、32号経由で祖谷へ
  • 大豊ICより約50km、所要約1時間半

From Kochi, Kochi Airport

When coming by car, take Route 32 (国道32) north from Otoyo Exist on the Kochi Expressway. Then, you will meet Prefectural Highway 45. Take Prefectural Highway 45 across the Oboke station and into Iya Valley.
It takes about one hour. About 50km from Otoyo Exist on the Kochi Expressway.

Check-in procedures & Directions to the lodge
